Friday, October 24, 2008

Blowhard News for Friday.

Gingrich: SNL’s Palin skits are ’slander’ ‘worthy of a lawsuit.’
Bashing the “elite” media as usual on Fox News last night, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich claimed that Saturday Night Live’s
skits mocking Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin were “vicious” and a “total distortion of who Governor Palin is.” Gingrich said that some of the sketches, particularly one mocking reporters for pursuing unsubstantiated claims about the Palins, “were slander and were worthy of a lawsuit.”

North Carolina Republicans send out homophobic mailings against Democratic Senate candidate Kay Hagan.
The North Carolina Republican State Executive Committee has sent out homophobic mailers targeting Senate candidate Kay Hagan (D), who is challenging Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R). The mailings warn that Hagan seeks to advance a “
radical homosexual agenda” that includes legalizing gay marriage, removing “Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance, and forcing the Boy Scouts to accept gay and atheist troop leaders.

Bill O'Reilly Laments a Possible Democratic WH and Congress and Get This...A Complicit Press
The Roger Ailes led FOX News is actually saying this stuff. A big talking point coming out of the right wing press is that poor America might be subjected to a Democratic-led government after the election. You know, since the country is just so vibrant right now after eight years of Bush and Conservatism, but O'Reilly's comedy hour is just beginning. He's been bashing the "librul press" with a renewed vigor lately and was lamenting that the press will be complicate in enabling Obama's policies if he does win.

O'Reilly: My fear is when you have a collision if Obama wins the election where you have a committed left Congress and a committed left President with a committed left media, they all then meld together. I don't think this is healthy for the country, Juan. You're going to have a media that is sympathetic to whatever Congress and the President does, no matter what it is and you are going to have very few voices, talk radio, this network, some people, ummm in dissent. I'm getting a little uneasy here.

McCain: Obama represents a Bush third term.
In a
statement responding to reports that nearly 500,000 more Americans claimed unemployment benefits this week, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) tried to link Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) to President Bush’s failed economic policies.: “Barack Obama’s only answer is to double-down on the Bush Administration’s legacy of out-of-control spending.” The Wall Street Journal notes that this claim “hangs on the thread of proposed spending increases by Obama,” adding that Obama nevertheless “opposes most major aspects of Bush’s economic legacy, including making permanent the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, which McCain supports.”

Rove Blames Market Volatility On Obama: It Reflects ‘People’s Concerns’ About An Obama Presidency
Today on Fox News, host Neil Cavuto asked Karl Rove to explain today’s “very volatile markets.” Rove responded by claiming that it was a result of people’s uncertainty over an Obama presidency:

ROVE: But we have to be a little bit careful here, because markets try and predict the future. And what they may be doing here, this volatility may be people’s concerns about what would happen if Barack Obama, who has a lead in the polls and has been deemed by the media to be the likely next president of the United States, what would happen to their economy and their portfolios if he were to become president? […]

Well, Americans understand instinctively, at least investors understand instinctively, that if you lower the corporate tax rate it makes American companies more competitive around the world, and it means that we’ll have more jobs, more growth, more prosperity in here in America. If you raise that tax, or leave it where it is — the second highest in the world — it means American companies are becoming less competitive.

Rove also claimed that investors were nervous about Obama’s “anti-business attitude,” pointing to how he would “raise the capital gains tax, which will take some value out of the market.”

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