Tuesday, October 21, 2008

BillO: NYT Ombudsman is ‘blatantly dishonest’ for using ‘far left’ ThinkProgress as ‘a primary source’

Pass the popcorn please...


On Sunday, in a column on the “alleged bias” that readers routinely accuse the New York Times of injecting into their news coverage, Public Editor Clark Hoyt mentioned O’Reilly’s criticism of Lichter :

Lichter got a taste of what it feels like in July. He released a study concluding that Obama was faring worse than McCain on television news. Bill O’Reilly of Fox News, who had previously praised Lichter’s work as proving that the media was liberal, was incensed and rejected the study. “A study like yours gives the bad guys in the media — and they are legion now — protection,” O’Reilly said.
On his show last night, O’Reilly lambasted Hoyt for mentioning the episode.

O’Reilly took particular umbrage over the fact that Hoyt likely “got his information” from ThinkProgress, which O’Reilly called “a far left website.” O’Reilly claimed it “was blatantly dishonest” to use ThinkProgress as “a primary source” without telling his readers.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Hey, the Rugby Man nailed John Burge, the Chicago cop who tortured people and cost the city $33 million in lawsuits. The statute of limitations ran out on charging him with those crimes but straight out of the Rugby Man's playbook, he is charged with perjury and obstruction of justice.

Ha Ha!!!!

PrissyPatriot said...

Yeah I saw that...great work...but don't get me started on how he let Rover slither away...