Tuesday, October 21, 2008

After McCain’s kiss and makeup with Letterman, Larry King wants an apology too.


After abruptly canceling on him in September, last week Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) went back to David Letterman’s show, where he apologized and admitted he “screwed up.” On his blog on Friday, Larry King said that he is waiting for McCain to offer him the same courtesy, after abruptly canceling a Sept. 2 appearance:

Note: Last month, Sen. John McCain cancelled an interview with “Larry King Live” as well. On Thursday, he re-scheduled with Letterman but we’re still waiting for the senator to re-schedule with us.

King has also unsuccessfully invited Palin to appear on his show. In July, McCain promised King that he would bring his running mate on the show as soon as he chose someone. (HT: TVNewser)

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