Monday, September 15, 2008

Jill Biden in Iowa.

This was her crowd, the Biden Base in Iowa, and she caught them up on the events of the family since the caucus with a smile and a friendly lean on the podium.

She emphasized the cohesiveness of their family behind the acceptance of the VP offer and her belief that things really do work out for the best. Her sunny disposition and delivery meant that as she made her way through the room, the hugs and conversations on the floor took on the feel of a family reunion. As everyone, including Dr. Biden, turned toward the rest of their weekend and the remaining days of the campaign, the sun did come out after so many days of rain.

Meanwhile on the road to Nashua, NH:

The volunteers are going to be canvassing voters in Nashua all day, and there's a lot more going on. Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse joined the caravan, and Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy brought in volunteers from his home state as well.

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