Friday, August 22, 2008

Update on the threatening letters containing Bush's blow white powder sent to McCain offices In CO & NH.

Federal law enforcement sources tell NBC News that a threatening hand-written letter that sparked an evacuation of Sen. John McCain’s Centennial office was sent by a person being held in the Arapahoe County Jail.

NBC News says the person is a prolific letter writer who was already in the jail.
Sources also tell NBC that there is no link between the Colorado letter and another threatening letter that appeared on Thursday at McCain’s office in Manchester, New Hampshire. That letter had a return address from Denver, but investigators do not believe the two incidents are connected.
Read on…

So, the threatening letter came from a person held in the pokey. A dollar says that this was a Karl Rove stunt.


airJackie said...

SPB the picture looks so much like the Geril.
Now as for the topic. The FBI couldn't figure out the last time letters with white power were sent. They framed a sick man and pushed him to kill himself and then blame him for everything after he died. Obama was getting to much attention with the VP thing so a plan went into action. You'll see this will go away and a new plan will come out.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be the first time Karl set up something up for sympathy and to draw attention to his man.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, that is the picture of the Gerbil in those desperate hours, Jackie. On a side note, the white powder wasn't toxic. Me thinks that was Bush's blow smuggled out from an inmate from the pokey.


I agree with you. Smells like a Karl Rove/anthrax copy card trying to get sympathy by the American people. People didn't buy the beans.