Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reaction of Michelle Obama's speech last night.

Here are some responses from the talking heads of Michelle Obama's speech last night. Yes, I am talking about the nimrod talking heads of Fox News:

Juan Williams tears up after Michelle Obama speech: ‘It’s unbelievable’
Yesterday, after Michelle Obama delivered an address highlighting the “improbable journey that’s brought us to this moment,” Fox News’s Juan Williams teared up as he talked about her speech, stating, “I’m just thrilled. I mean, it’s almost emotional. … We’ve never seen anything like that”:
As a human being, as an African-American, it’s unbelievable. And then to have a family situation, given all the tension in Black America over families, and to see that positive image there for everybody to see. … Man, that’s just awesome.

Rove Blasts Michelle Obama’s Patriotism: ‘I Don’t Think She Did Well On Saying I Love America’
In a speech last night at the Democratic convention, Michelle Obama “began a weeklong effort to present her husband — and his entire family — as embodiments of the American dream.” The Houston Chronicle writes, “Despite Republican attempts to paint her as a liberal elitist, she said in her speech that she knows from her family’s struggles and successes ‘that the American dream endures.’”

Totally disregarding Michelle Obama’s repeated efforts throughout her speech to spell out “why she loves her country,” Karl Rove — an informal adviser to John McCain — went on Fox News last night and proclaimed that Obama didn’t show “adequate enough” love for her country:
I don’t think she did too well on saying I love America. That wasn’t adequate enough because, look, people are gonna hear that, and then those that have paid attention to her earlier comments are gonna try and square those two off.

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