Friday, August 22, 2008

Protesters demostrated in front of McCain's condo.

And that is McCain's $847,000 condo. One protester held up his sign that said "I have only 1 house." Enough said. McCain's statement to Rick Warren at the forum last week of his defintion of rich and his statement that he can't remember how many homes he owns have come back to bite him in the butt.


airJackie said...

Cindy's homes McCain just lives in them. I have read that Cindy had a prenump signed when she married the gold digger. I guess it a pay as you go marriage. Cindy is a smart cookie and most likely has a will that everything goes to the kids not the towel boy husband. It's a bad subject now to hear about a candidate with more homes owned by his wife then he can remember as millions of people are losing the one home they have.

SP Biloxi said...

Towel boy husband... lol

What McCain came into the marriage is what he will leave should Lovey Cindy kicks him to the curb. Cindy is a smart gal and protected her assets should she go before Gramps. I don't why there so much hoopla over the wealth of the McCain when Cindy is the person that holds the pants in the family.

And it is not a surprise about McCain's life. When he became the nominee, I always knew that his past indiscretions and his divorce by his first wife would come back to bite him.