Monday, August 25, 2008

McCain: “Americans Won’t Pick Lettuce for $50/hr”

What a SOB! Unbelievable. Yes, McCain said this. Hat tip to the person who put this on YouTube.

Heres the transcript from a Q&A with construction and building trade unions,

The link was from a transcript from CNN Lou Dobbs show back in April 2006:

DOBBS: A room full of construction workers gave Senator John McCain a little straight talk of their own yesterday. And it was almost more than he could bear. The AFL-CIO's construction and building trades booed Senator McCain when he said illegal aliens fill jobs that Americans won't do. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R), ARIZONA: "Now, my friends, I’ll offer anybody here $50 an hour if you’ll go pick lettuce in Yuma this season and pick for the whole season. So — OK? Sign up. OK.
You sign up. You sign up, and you’ll be there for the whole season, the whole season. OK? Not just one day. Because you can’t do it, my friend."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We don't need another administration that is so out of touch. On the Chicago border a Walmart opened up a few months back, well actually any new business that opens up.........has record numbers of people waiting in line for hours to fill out job applications, and these jobs pay minimum wage or slightly higher. Seriously does he have any clue as to how many will be lining up for picking lettuce at that amount of money, people would leave jobs that pay a third of that, or even half of that, he had no clue how many people are working for a lot less than that, even with overtime they can't come close to that, imbecile, out of touch, clueless moron.