Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gay media mogul withdraws support from Obama; Gay community furious.

Gay media mogul Paul Colichman raised a storm when he told the New York Post's "Page Six" on Monday that he is not supporting Barack Obama for president. Now other leaders of the gay community are furious, and some are even calling for boycotts of Colichman's magazines.

Colichman, who had been a die-hard Hillary Clinton supporter, told the Post that he was getting over his disappointment at Clinton's loss and "had literally written out a check to the Obama campaign" when he saw Obama tell the Saddleback Civil Forum a week ago that although he supports civil unions he defines marriage as between a man and a woman.

"I thought, 'Wow! He just threw the gay community under the bus,'" Colichman said. "My partner looked over at me, and we tore up the check."

Since then, other gay activists have pointed out that Hillary Clinton doesn't support gay marriage either. James Hipps of the gay marketing firm Vibe Media
told the Post, "For our gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgender rights to continue to grow and not further diminish, then we need to stand behind [Obama]. Good luck with your life, Mr. Colichman. I hope you get to sleep well at night after McCain becomes elected. Shame on you."

Neal Boulton, the editor of Genre, similarly said, "I openly -- no, flamingly -- endorse Obama, whether he says he's for gay marriage or not. . . . I know under Obama, it will only be a matter of time until the country sees the legalization of gay marriage.

"Several blogs which
refer to this Post item also indicate that Boulton was quoted there as saying, "By tearing up his check for Obama, he basically wrote one to McCain." That sentence was apparently removed by the Post, perhaps to counter any implication that Colichman is actively helping McCain.

Read on.

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