Saturday, August 23, 2008

FOX News “mistakenly” airs potentially illegal anti-Obama ad

Crooks and Liars:

Wow. After reading at HuffPo that a right wing smear group produced an ad so atrocious (and potentially illegal) that even FOX News wouldn’t touch it, I knew it had to be bad. Boy, was I right. While discussing McCain’s “housing problem” on Studio B Friday afternoon, FOX producers “accidentally” aired a William Ayers ad produced by a group called the America Issues Project. Putting the ad aside, notice how loaded (and laughable) the report is to begin with.

Henneberg: The McCain campaign is more than happy to inject Tony Rezko back into this election cycle, as they did in an new ad this morning. Rekzo, as you may remember, is a guy who was convicted in June on corruption charges, separate from this housing deal with Obama. But Rezko, or his wife, helped buy the empty lot next to Obama’s million dollar house in Chicago and then sold part of it back to him, and the McCain campaign put that in a new ad. Take a listen.

[Cue 30 seconds of the wrong ad]

Henneberg: This is not the right ad.
Smith: It’s not the right ad, huh?
Henneberg: Well that wasn’t exactly the right ad.
Smith: Well, it was an ad. C’mon, give us a break…it’s busy back here today.
Henneberg: It was an ad! [Laughter]
Henneberg: The McCain campaign is more than happy to inject Tony Rezko back into this election cycle, as they did in an new ad this morning. Rekzo, as you may remember, is a guy who was convicted in June on corruption charges, separate from this housing deal with Obama. But Rezko, or his wife, helped buy the empty lot next to Obama’s million dollar house in Chicago and then sold part of it back to him, and the McCain campaign put that in a new ad. Take a listen.

[Cue 30 seconds of the wrong ad]
Henneberg: This is not the right ad.
Smith: It’s not the right ad, huh?
Henneberg: Well that wasn’t exactly the right ad.
Smith: Well, it was an ad. C’mon, give us a break…it’s busy back here today.
Henneberg: It was an ad! [Laughter]

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