Wednesday, August 27, 2008

CNN Thinks Only The Top Five Percent Of America’s Income Earners Count


In an interview with former NBA star Charles Barkleyyesterday, CNN host Wolf Blitzer discussed the respective tax plans being offered by Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain. This is the on-screen graphic that CNN displayed during the interview, which the network represented as the “average tax bill change
Using his deceptive chart, Blizter tried – but failed – to get Barkley to voice his opposition to an increase in taxes on the wealthiest Americans to pay for national priorities:

BLITZER: If Obama has his way, you would spend another $701,885 in taxes. $700,000 above and beyond – you pay a lot of taxes right now if you’re making millions of dollars a year as you are. How do you feel about that?

BARKLEY: Well, I think that if you’re rich — I thank God I’ve been very successful — if you’re rich, you’re always going to be rich. If we pay more in taxes, I got no problem with that. If you’re making that kind of money, a couple hundred thousand dollars here or there are not going to change your life.
Let’s be realistic. I’ve been very fortunate and blessed. I did a great job of saving my money. But I got no problem if I’m making that type of money, paying more in taxes to be honest with you.

Update"Barack Obama said he plans to focus on the struggles of middle-class Americans, including their tax burden, in his Thursday night speech accepting the Democratic nomination for president."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Without the Middle Class American even the rich people are finished never mine the poor. I noticed that people with little money but want to act like their rich make some stupid comments. Charles knows how to stay rich and invest and that's why what ever Obama takes in Taxes Charles will benefit in the end. Like Bill Clinton said give more save more as other get a chance to make more.