Friday, August 22, 2008

Blowhard News for Saturday.

Howard Fineman: McCain “in danger of trivializing” POW past
“I think they are going to it way too many times. It’s the original story that defined John McCain, that still when you read it in his book ‘Faith of my Fathers,’ when you read about it in ‘The Nightingale’s Song,’ you can’t help but have admiration and respect for the guy. And I think he wisely for many years stayed away from it as a political tool, he really did. But now it not only defines him, it’s become a crutch in the campaign. And I think he is in danger of trivializing it. By the time they get to the convention in St. Paul, there might not be much of it left to use.“

FOX host mischaracterizes Obama state senate vote 4 nights in row: blog.

Fox News: “Is Obama Bashing ‘American Dream’ By Bashing McCain’s 7 Homes?”
On Fox News’ Your World, host Neil Cavuto defended John McCain’s
inability to recall the number of homes he owns by attacking critics who have sought to highlight McCain’s failure. He opened the segment by asking, “Well, instead of slamming McCain, is Obama really bashing the American Dream?”

Dick Morris: ‘We Went Into Iraq At The Invitation Of The Government, Not As An Invasion’
On Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes, conservative pundit Dick Morris tried to attack Barack Obama for being inexperienced on foreign policy, but in doing so, only managed to demonstrate his own idiocy. Morris argued that Joseph Biden would be a good vice presidential selection for Obama because Obama “does not know anything” about foreign policy.

To back up this claim, Morris asserted that Obama made a major mistake this week when he referenced the U.S.’s invasion of Iraq in the context of discussing Russia’s incursion into Georgia. Obama said, “We’ve got to send a clear message to Russia and unify our allies. They can’t charge into other countries. Of course it helps if we are leading by example on that point.” Asked by Alan Colmes what is wrong with Obama’s statement, Morris explained:

Where he’s wrong is that we went into Iraq at the invitation of the government, not as an invasion.

Colmes quickly rebutted him, stating, “We went into Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein.” Morris backtracked for a moment and said, “We are in Iraq now at the invitation of the government.” But seconds later, Morris repeated his false assertion:

We’re in Iraq as the result of a democracy asking for us to come in there. It’s not an invasion. It’s not a takeover. We’re not trying to annex Iraq.

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