Monday, August 25, 2008

Blowhard News for Monday.

Meet The Press Carries McCain’s POW Water
BROKAW: Chuck Todd, a career military person-who is not crazy about John McCain-immediately emailed me about that crack about seven kitchen tables, saying, “Wait a minute, that’s pretty gratuitous. Here’s a guy who spent five years in prison, not knowing where his next meal was going to come from.”
TODD: It’s interesting that..that Democrats are getting a little more upset by that line of defense now. Coming, there’s a column this morning by Maureen Dowd in the New York Times sort of laying out this case that you know, is the McCain campaign using the…using that defense too often to pushback everything, but it does work, I think, with voters.

Fox News Sunday: William “The Bloody” Kristol, A General On The Front Lines of Operation Chaos
Kristol (who, by the way, is NEVER right about anything, have I said that recently?) is clearly scared of Obama’s pick of Joe Biden for the vice president slot, because as he admits, Biden has the foreign policy experience, the alleged lack of which they are so fond of attacking Obama. So in the only battlefield that Kristol has the gonads to scale, he challenges Clinton supporters (naturally, it’s easier to be brave when others are the soldiers, isn’t it, Billy?) to launch a protest by nominating Clinton as the Vice President at the convention, forcing a roll call vote.

KRISTOL: Look, Senator Obama is going to be the nominee, there’s no point in contesting that roll call. What I would encourage Hillary supporters to do…



KRISTOL: …is to express their outrage over the pick of Senator Biden over the better qualified Senator Clinton as the Vice Presidential pick by putting her nomination for the vice presidency. That would be a good roll call vote, don’t you think? Clinton and Biden. Although I’m not sure she wouldn’t beat him. And that would be exciting and that would be a ben…it would be a favor to Senator Obama. Because the truth is Obama/Clinton is a much stronger ticket. It is a stronger ticket than Obama/Biden. Does anyone seriously doubt that Hillary Clinton would bring all the Clinton voters over? Whereas Biden I think is going to have a tough time doing so.

WILLIAMS: It would be drama. But I think that you make that suggestion as a subversive act…

KRISTOL: You think? [laughs] No…no…

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