Friday, August 29, 2008

3rd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

Chicago, IL – Today, on the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina devastating the Gulf Coast, Senator Obama released the following statement on the importance of following through with our commitment to the region.

"On the third anniversary of Katrina, we can look back on a city and region whose citizens have bravely cleaned up and rebuilt. Today is a day to celebrate their resilience and pledge to help them finish the job. It is also a day to remember the disastrously inadequate response from the federal government and pledge that never again will we let bureaucratic incompetence leave disaster victims stranded and alone."


airJackie said...

Bush and McCain might skip the Republican Convention to help the Gustva storm victims. Yes McCain said he's more interesting in helping the people then going to a party. As both men look to help the victims even before the storm it's it gives proof to Kanye West's statement. As we watched thousands of black and other poor people beg for help and even die on TV while Bush and even McCain did nothing. Yes McCain and Bush knew of the storm as both were celebrating McCain's birthday in Arizona and saw it on TV. Those Americans didn't concern the Law Makers as for the first time in my life I saw a woman die in her wheele chair on TV. Now that most of the blacks have left New Orleans and Republicans have taken the property it's important to save not only the people but the property they stole.
The one thing the Katrina Victims can count on is they have to pay their taxes even if they are treated like nothing and given nothing but hand outs by other Americans.

Anonymous said...

One thing Obama brought up in his speech was how the Bush Administration sat on their hands while a city drowned.

Let's hope and pray nothing even comes close to it again.