Friday, August 29, 2008

38 million viewers watched Obama's speech.

Raw Story:

38 million tuned into watch Senator Barack Obama accept the Democratic presidential nomination, according to Nielsen Media Research."Mr. Obama’s speech — a historic one given his status as the first African American nominee of a major political party — reached significantly more viewers than the comparable addresses in 2004," The New York Times reports. "Coverage of John Kerry’s acceptance speech in 2004 had 24.4 million viewers; coverage of George W. Bush’s convention speech that same year drew 27.5 million."

As over 84,000 filled Mile High Stadium to hear Obama in person, according to Nielsen Media Research, the televised broadcasts attracted more viewers than the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing, the final 'American Idol' or the Academy Awards this year.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Word is the tickets for the Republican Convention are selling well. If things don't change McCain and Bush will go to New Orleans and help with the Gustva storm. Yes their all about helping the people just not black people or poor people.