Thursday, July 17, 2008

Surprise, surprise: Nine GOP members of Congress for Bush impeachment.

Brad Blog:

While 180 Republicans voted to follow their Dear Leader lock-step over the cliff, 10 Republicans abstained and nine
Republican members of Congress voted with the Democrats:

Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas)
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (Md.)
Rep. Walter B. Jones (N.C.)
Rep. Don Manzullo (Ill.)
Rep. Tim Murphy (Penn.)
Rep. Ron Paul (Texas)
Rep. Dave Reichert (Wash.)
Rep. Christopher Shays (Conn.)
Rep. Mike Turner (Ohio)

Kucinich promises a surprise witness against Bush. Also from CQ Politics: "An unidentified government official of a U.S. ally wants to participate if and when Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich makes his case to impeach President Bush before the House Judiciary Committee, according to the Ohio Democrat."
I wasn't surprised by Ron Paul's vote but Shays voted for impeachment?


Anonymous said...

Too little too late, and now Pelosi is speaking out, too little too late there.

As far as the New Yorker and Obama and wife caricature......poor dispicable taste.....

Would they have the guts to show McCain with steam coming out of his ears or with a cane?

Absolutely not, no excuse for that cover. If they put a picture of McCain with his first wife on crutches with young children by her side and McCain and Cindy smiling waving bye bye, that would get outrage by the GOP even though that is the truth.

I have lost all respect for the New Yorker after that extremely vial cover of Obama.

Yes, with Ahmadinejad coming to town and of course many other countries, let's hope everyone can behave. And by the way, is Bollinger at Columbia university still?

Yes GM is sticking it to the retirees, sad, and only the lowest and highest end cars are profitable now.......hmmm the middle lines, just like the middle everything, middle class lines are not doing well.

Now we can expect more airlines to go under with the higher than ever fuel prices, and now they want the pilots to have the minimal amount of fuel as possible in their tanks because the more weight the more it costs to move the planes..........does this mean we won't be circling around in a holding pattern waiting to land anymore?

And offshore drilling is something the Gerbil thinks is a good idea.....ya anything that will ruin natural resourses, virgin forests in Alaska etc. The damage it will do to marine life, etc is just unbelievable, and it is so hard for coral reefs etc to recover from damage, some never do...

All the bigger and faster ships coming into our ports from China day after day, and full to the brim, and all they do is leave with empty containers, to go back to China and get filled up again to come back here.

And Jesse Jackson........can he try, really make an effort to hold his tongue? This is the You tube era, Please Jesse be on your best behaviour.

Anonymous said...

OH, and does anyone believe the Gerbil finally decides to have a press conferance at the same time as Beranke, and this was not planned? Does he realize that not everyone watches faux noose? He must think everyone belongs to the blowhard fanclub.

And where is Cheney? He has been out of sight of the press........hmmm, too busy with his last remaining days in office?

SP Biloxi said...

"And where is Cheney?"

Better check the U-Haul truck ib his bunker to see if he left with the money that he stole from the American people.

Yeah, too little too late for Pelosi. I look for Pelosi and Reid to be threatened wih pink slips come 2009 should Obama become President. I don't see Pelosi in her job too long.

PrissyPatriot said...

I hear ya TGCN, they have absolutely no excuse on this one. It was right in their face-they knew just like the rest of us, if not more so!

But Turner?? Oh my, that's Mr Rude-he made two military moms cry he was so mean to them and ran them
out of his office.

He's damn lucky I wasn't there (since I'm more than willing to not tolerate his stupidity) But I felt bad for those mil families because I was busy meeting with another incompetent idiot...but at least he wasn't rude.