Sunday, July 20, 2008

SPB News for Sunday.

It's come to this: ABC accuses McCain of using subliminal messages in Obama ad — See if you can figure out from this screencap what the accusation is before clicking the link: — Now watch to see how long that particular image is onscreen:

Brown plans to withdraw troops as he backs Obama over 'war on terror' Gordon Brown prepared the ground for a historic realignment in the "war on terror" yesterday by setting out a four-point plan for withdrawal of British troops from Iraq by the end of next year. Although he is refusing to set a detailed timetable for withdrawal, it is clear Mr Brown is in agreement with the US presidential candidate Barack Obama on the need for military action in Afghanistan to take priority. Both appear to be working to a 16-month timetable.

McCain backer's comments anger Muslims Riling Muslim leaders, one of John McCain's fellow Vietnam POWs defended the Iraq War Friday by saying, "The Muslims have said either we kneel or they're going to kill us. 'I don't intend to kneel and I don't advocate to anybody that we kneel. And John doesn't advocate to anybody that we kneel,'' Col. Bud Day added in a conference call with reporters arranged by the Republican Party of Florida on behalf on McCain. Muslims and Arab-American groups quickly denounced what they described as the ''bigoted'' comments from Day, a Pensacola resident, Medal of Honor recipient and member of the Swift Boat Nazis attack machine from 2004.

Report links Cheney office, oil giant to global warming policy shift A congressional investigation has produced new details on the degree to which senior Bush administration officials favored using the Clean Air Act to limit greenhouse gas emissions -- until pressure from Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney's office, ExxonMobil and others in the oil industry led the Bush regime to change course. A report by the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, issued today, supports the disclosure by a former Environmental Protection Agency official last week that someone in Cheney's office had a hand in the shift in policy

Field Poll: California voters' disapproval rating on Bush highest since 1961 President [sic] Bush's disapproval rating in California has reached the highest mark for a president since the Field Poll began tracking White House numbers in 1961, according to its latest survey released Friday. Less than a quarter of California voters -- 24 percent -- said they approve of Bush's job performance, compared with 71 percent who said they disapprove. The latter mark is higher than Nixon's 70 percent disapproval rating in August 1974, the same month he resigned from office after his role in the Watergate scandal was revealed.

Commercial bankruptcies soar, reflecting widening economic woes Driven by a sour economy and skittish consumers, U.S. business bankruptcies saw their sharpest quarterly rise in two years, jumping 17 percent in the second quarter of 2008, according to an analysis by McClatchy. Commercial filings for the first half of 2008 are up 45 percent from last year, as the national climate for commerce continues to deteriorate amid rising energy and food costs, mounting job losses, tighter credit and a reticence among consumers to part with discretionary income.

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