Monday, July 21, 2008

Rudy takes McCain to ballgame, criticizes Obama.

NEW YORK) – Even though he is an Arizona Diamondbacks fan (and owns a small stake in the team), John McCain took in a New York Yankees game today with his former rival for the Republican nomination Rudy Giuliani.

After touring Monument Park in the outfield of Yankee Stadium, they chatted with the managers from both teams, the Yankees' Joe Girardi and the Oakland Athletics' Bob Geren. Geren asked McCain what running for president was like.

"It is like being in double-A and then all of a sudden you are playing in Yankee Stadium,” McCain told him. “It’s great. But also, I really am a big sports nut because I was a mediocre high school athlete."

It wasn’t all about sports today, though. Giuliani was asked his opinion on Barack Obama’s overseas trip to the Middle East and Europe, and had some harsh words for the presumptive Democratic nominee.

“It's turned out that if we had caved in the way Barack Obama and the Democrats do, we'd now have a defeat,” the former New York City mayor said.

“America would have a defeat rather than a possible victory. And I think the fact that Barack Obama is kind of making his first tour, in essence, of the world, gives you an indication that John McCain is the man with the experience.”

More on the story.

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