Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rove thumbs his nose at HJC hearing for exotic getaway.

While House Democrats fumed over the absence of Karl Rove from hearings investigating his possible interference in the Justice Department, the man himself was well on his way to the Yalta Black Sea resort, Newsweek reported Saturday.
"That's just extremely contemptuous—it shows the disdain that he has for Congress and which he has encouraged in the Bush White House," said Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee.
Rove had a speaking engagement at the fifth annual conference of the YES Foundation, which Newsweek describes as a "confab of world luminaries bankrolled by billionaire Victor Pinchuk, the Ukrainian steel magnate and son-in-law of the country's former autocratic president, Leonid Kuchma."
Rove's lawyer Robert Luskin defended his actions as justifiable given that White House counsel Fred Fielding instructed Rove not to show up because anything he said was protected by executive privilege.
"What was he supposed to do, sit at home with his lights off?" Luskin said in the article. Luskin added that this "was not something we concocted so he could make money in Yalta."
Speaking fees for Rove can be as high as $40,000, according to an article describing his controversial presence scheduled for a Texas Associated of Realtor convention this September.


Anonymous said...

Arrest him the moment he gets off the plane! That's what Congress should do!

SP Biloxi said...

I hear you Anon. House committee need to get on the ball pronto and hold Rove on inherent contempt and arrest him.

PrissyPatriot said...

Deliver the proper paperwork, with the i's dotted and the t's crossed...I'll take care of it from there if no one else is willing;)