Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Yorker fist bump & Dropping bombs; Open thread.

Hehe. Point well taken...


KittyBowTie1 said...

The picture of McSame is disgusting and Mama and I will have nightmares after seeing those chicken legs.

Speaking of disgusting, didn't anyone tell Rev. Jackson that Faux Snooze is the work of the devil? Jackson runs his mouth again 'off' camera.

Faux Snooze would put a microphone in the restroom if they thought they could catch him saying something.

SP Biloxi said...

Chicken legs... LOL. Sorry that you and Mama will have nightmares of McSame's leg. Could have been worse. The pic could have been McSame bare naked.

Rev. Jackson should know better and the game of Fox News and the nimrod media. Anyone who is pro-Obama are being watched under the microphone. If he wants to release his frustration, he should wait until he is in the privacy of his home, turn on the squeaky faucet in the bathroom, and release his frustration. Jackson is feeding to the media trolls for spin.

It is better to have his son speak than the father.