Saturday, July 19, 2008

Iglesias: Rove refuses to testify ‘to keep himself from being indicted’


David Iglesias, one of the U.S. Attorneys politically purged under Alberto Gonzales, told MSNBC’s Mike Barnicle he believed Rove “had information that…would show illegal activity” and thus will refuse to testify “to keep himself from being indicted”:

IGLESIAS: Which I believe is the reason why he is refusing to testify in front of the Congress. He has information that I believe would show illegal activity, interfering with ongoing federal criminal investigations. So Rove is not testifying I think basically to keep himself from being indicted.
Barnicle also asked Iglesias whether Rove played a role in his firing, to which Iglesias replied, “Absolutely”:

BARNICLE: Do you think he has anything to do with your being dismissed?

IGLESIAS: Absolutely. The evidence is clear that he relayed, he took a call from Pete Domenici about me that he talk to the state party chairman here. He was very involved in something he had no business being involved in which is, you know, the oversight of a federal investigation and a federal prosecutor.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Rove will be charged as he was a busy criminal while in the White House. One would say he just get to carried away with his importance. Now as Bush is sucking up to Obama and Cheney is collecting as much money as possible so he can buy his way out of jail. The United Nations is getting more information to charge the US with War Crimes.