Saturday, July 19, 2008

Girlfriday Rice: We aren’t flip-flopping on Iran.

Crooks and Liars:

We’re just changing our position. Can’t you notice the difference?

So when Obama says we should start negotiations with Iran or the Irag Study group says the same thing—they are traitors to America, but when Condi and Bush do the same thing it’s really not the same thing. Oh, boy. They just lie, lie, lie. I can’t wait to never see her on the world stage again. Condi, why are you a Nazi appeaser also?

During a speech in Jerusalem, President Bush jumped head first into the 2008 presidential campaign by taking a shot at Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama, by comparing his willingness to hold diplomatic talks with Iran to the appeasement of Nazis in the 1930’s.


airJackie said...

The lies are just catching up with the Bush Administration. Yes we now know the Bush Administration has been working with Iran since 2000 and continue today. There was a smoke screen put up for years that's why Iran is laughing all the way to the bank. Halliburton has been doing business in Iran for years as Americans are told they can't do business in Iran.
Once Obama got the nomination all hell broke out it was who do we suck up to Obama/Hillary. The GOP again tricked McCain as they know he will lose and lose big.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Well, Halliburton is a Canary Islands (or was that Bermuda?) company . . . where the hell is it registered? It's not in the U.S.