Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Former steroids dealer Radomski found receipt and gave it to authorities in Clemens case.

More problems for Clemens. And if this piece of evidence presented is valid by the Feds, Clemens may be looking at possible perjury and making false statement charges.

Kirk Radomski, the former steroids dealer, has turned over additional documentary evidence to federal authorities that raises questions about Roger Clemens’s suspected use of performance-enhancing drugs, according to a lawyer with knowledge of the matter.

Radomski has turned over a copy of a package slip that he said he used to send performance-enhancing drugs to Clemens’s former personal trainer, Brian McNamee, the lawyer said. The package was sent to McNamee while he was staying at Clemens’s home in Houston.

The lawyer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the package slip included Clemens’s address.

Clemens’s lawyer Rusty Hardin did not return a telephone message seeking comment on the matter. An official at the United States attorney’s office in Washington, which is leading the investigation of Clemens, did not return a telephone message seeking comment.

And how did the convicted steroid distributor find this evidence? From a broken TV!:


Radomski told that while he was moving a broken television off a dresser in the bedroom of his Long Island home last Sunday night, he found a shipping receipt for human growth hormone that he claims to have sent to Clemens' Houston home in 2002 or 2003. Radomski said he found that receipt, along with "seven or eight others" for shipments to other baseball players, under the TV.

"My TV broke and I said, 'Damn, I got to get it off the dresser,'" Radomski said Wednesday. "And it was right there."

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