Monday, July 14, 2008

Court: Don't Duck Jury Duty.

House Judiciary Committee should read this in relation to Rove:

From BLT:

In an update from this earlier BLT post, the bench warrants issued by D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Rufus King III for the arrest of people who fail to report for jury duty are producing some results. Out of 92 warrants, 12 people have turned themselves in or been arrested for contempt of court. D.C. Courts spokeswoman Leah Gurowitz confirms that those people have paid $25 bonds, been given a chance to return their names to the jury pool, and come before the court to explain their failure to appear for jury duty. Two other people have called the court and been assigned a hearing date, and two others have been declared ineligible for jury duty, Gurowitz says.

Gurowitz says, “Our goal is not to arrest people but to underscore the requirement of obeying court order and the importance of jury duty,” Gurowitz said. “It is not fair to those who do serve jury duty for others to simply ignore it. But for those who shirk their civic duty there are consequences.”

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