Friday, July 18, 2008

Can AG Mukasey be held in contempt for not complying with a House subpoena on the CIA Leak probe?

But in a letter to Bush released by Waxman's committee, Mukasey argued that some of the reports include summaries of conversations between Bush and his aides, which are covered by executive privilege. Mukasey also warned that releasing such documents could imperil future Justice Department probes.

"I am greatly concerned about the chilling effect that compliance with the committee's subpoena would have on future White House deliberations and White House cooperation with future Justice Department investigations," Mukasey wrote.

White House spokesman Tony Fratto said Bush relied on Mukasey's advice in deciding to invoke the privilege.

Can Mukasey be held in contempt by the House committee? Well, former Attorney General Janet Reno was.

In 1998, the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee voted to cite Reno for contempt of Congress for not turning over documents during the former President Clinton's impeachment. The full Congress never voted on the resolution and the documents were turned over to the House.

The real question is will the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee hold Mukasey in contempt as the same committee did in the case of Reno?


airJackie said...

Yes Musk Rat can be held in contempt but he wont be. This Congress has no back bone and to many Congressmen/woman are in the back pocket of the White House. We have no Justice System and Musk Rat and his deputy fat boy are just in office to stall criminal action against friends.

Funny thing about life you get back what you give out. Even if these crooks don't pay for their criminal actions for those who will see them get out you'll see the punishment God gives is one we could never think of. Another thing to remember we come in this world with nothing and we leave with nothing no matter how rich you are.

Anonymous said...

ya, it seems like there is so much evil doing with this administration that the majority of the public is in shell shock. they don't know what to do or how to think clearly.