Monday, July 21, 2008

Blowhard News Report for Monday.

Rep. Blunt Joins Chorus of Republicans Peddling Hurricane Oil Spill Lies
On Sunday’s Late Edition Rep, Roy Blunt (R-MO), a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee who
reliably votes in favor of the Oil & Gas industry and against renewable energy bills and has been rewarded in return, joined the month-long chorus of Republicans including McCain that have been making the demonstrably false claim that there weren’t any major spills caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Blunt: If there was ever a test of this system it’s in the one place that we do drill which is the gulf - 4,000 platforms in the gulf - thank God we’ve got them. 238 of them were injured by either Katrina or Rita. There was really no oil loss of any appreciable kind at any of those. Less oil was lost than used to seep up out of the gulf floor.”

Adm. Mullen on FOX: “Right now I’m fighting 2 wars, and I don’t need a third one…”
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Mike Mullen, appeared on FOX today and delivered a message that’s sure to upset Bill Kristol and the rest of the neocon armchair generals.

WALLACE: I want to ask you two questions about Iran. How do you weigh as a military man, as the top military man, the downside risk if either the U.S. or Israel were to militarily strike Iran in terms of blowback from Iran and its allies in the region, increased turmoil in that area, increased turmoil in the oil market?
MULLEN: I think it would be significant. I worry about it a lot. I’ve said when I’ve been asked this before right now I’m fighting two wars, and I don’t need a third one. […]
But I worry about the instability in that part of the world and, in fact, the possible unintended consequences of a strike like that and, in fact, having an impact throughout the region that would be difficult to both predict exactly what it would be and then the actions that we would have to take to contain it.
The Chris Matthews Show: Why The White House REALLY Wants McCain To Win
FINEMAN: If you’re in this White House, you want another Republican administration to follow. You don’t want a Democratic administration coming in there while the evidence is still fresh, so to speak. To look at it the way…
MATTHEWS: With the subpoena power…
FINEMAN: With the subpoena power and looking through all the records and looking at all the decisions that were made. You want to cover over your two terms with a third term the way Ronald Reagan did with George HW Bush.
FNS: Lie-berman Shills For McCain
Ah…Holy Joe Lieberman. As reliable as the proverbial broken clock, and just as correct. On FOXNews Sunday, Joe Lieberman played coy on whether he would pull a Zell Miller and appear at the Republican National Convention.
WALLACE: If you’re asked, will you?
LIEBERMAN: If John asks me, and he thinks I can help him, because I believe this is no ordinary time, no ordinary election, John McCain is no ordinary candidate. I want to help him. I’m not going to go to attack Barack Obama. I’m going to go to explain why I as an Independent Democrat am supporting John McCain, hoping that I can convince other Independents and Democrats to join me in choosing the man who is clearly more ready to be the President America needs today.

Also, on Fox News Sunday, Lieberman said he would speak at the Republican National Convention if John McCain wants him to.

Bill Kristol: Obama is so unqualified
It’s FOX NEWS SUNDAY, which means more idiocy with William the Bloody. Too bad for Bill that
Maliki endorsed Obama’s Iraq plan of withdrawal—which basically makes him out to look more ridiculous than he normally does. There are no warmongering mountains too high for William the Bloody to climb. He’s going way over the top with his attacks of Obama.

Kristol: …I never before running for President in a time of war who was so unqualified to be Commander in Chief. No, I don’t mean that in a polemical way.

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