Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blowhard News for Thursday.

Report: Absolute Moral Authority drops the N-bomb on Obama tape; Update: O'Reilly blames Internet “weasel” for leak — Normally I'd wait for video proof but Inside Cable News claimed with unusual insistence last night that it's true and now TV Newser is corroborating it, so obviously someone who's in a position to know is leaking.

Beck and Moore Falsely Claim U.S. Is ‘One Of Highest Taxed’ ‘In The World’
Monday, conservative pundit Glenn Beck and Wall Street Journal economics writer Stephen Moore, falsely claimed that America is the
second-highest taxed country in the world:

MOORE: It`s a real problem. I think it`s one of the reasons, Glenn, the stock market is down. I think it`s one of the reasons the dollar has been falling. You and I have talked about that many times on this show.
It`s the root of all evil, the collapse of our currency. And it`s because we have gone from 20 years ago being one of the lowest taxed countries in the world. Under Barack Obama, we would be one of the highest taxed countries in the world.
BECK: Well, we already are number two, are we not?
MOORE: Well, we`d move to number one.

Romney falsely claims McCain supports drilling in ANWR.
During a recent interview with, former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) got a little carried away with the recent conservative mantra of ‘drill here, drill now,’ falsely suggesting that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
supported drilling for oil in ANWR:
John McCain will get us energy independent. With more drilling–offshore, ANWR–with more drilling, with more nuclear power plants, with the use of coal and gas, he will get us energy independent–that’ the first thing you’ve gotta do to get this economy going.

Sen. Dole attempts to rename HIV/AIDS relief bill after Jesse Helms
The Huffington Post reports that Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) has introduced “an amendment to
name an HIV/AIDS relief bill after the recently deceased Jesse Helms,” who was a “strident foe of HIV/AIDS prevention, research and treatment.”
Helms was notorious for his
ignorant comments regarding HIV/AIDS. In 1987 he described “AIDS prevention literature as ‘so obscene, so revolting, I may throw up‘” and in 1995 Helms argued that “that the government should spend less on people with AIDS because they got sick due to their ‘deliberate, disgusting, revolting conduct.’”

Twin Towers Billboard Sponsor: ‘9/11 could have been prevented if we’d had a Republican president.’
Mike Meehan, the Orlando businessman who paid to put up a billboard displaying the burning World Trade Center next to the words “Please Don’t Vote for a Democrat,” appeared on CNN’s American Morning where he argued that the attacks of 9/11 could have been prevented had a Republican been in the White House in the late 1990s.

Trent Lott lies about environmental impact of Katrina
What else would you expect from a southern-Senator-turned-energy-lobbyist? Lott and his lobbying partner, former Louisiana Senator John Breaux, appeared on MSNBC today to make the joint case for drilling our way out of the energy crisis, and stressed that we need to start, like, yesterday. And if they have to lie in order to help their Big Oil clientele? So be it.

One point since we’re both from the gulf area. We didn’t have one drop of oil spilt when we had the biggest hurricane in recent history, Hurricane Katrina.

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