Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blowhard News for Saturday.

McCain surrogate: ‘The Muslims’ are ‘going to kill us.’
During a phone call with Florida reporters today that was arranged by the McCain campaign, McCain surrogate Col. Bud Day defended the war in Iraq by arguing that “the Muslims have said either we kneel or
they’re going to kill us“:
One of John McCain’s fellow POW’s in Vietnam defended the war in Iraq, saying, “The Muslims have said either we kneel or they’re going to kill us.”
In a phone call with reporters arranged by the McCain campaign, Colonel Bud Day added: “I don’t intend to kneel and I don’t advocate to anybody that we kneel, and John doesn’t advocate to anybody that we kneel.”
This isn’t the first time that Day, who was a member of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, has spoken on behalf of the campaign. Last month, Day was
featured on a campaign conference call to pushback against comments Gen. Wesley Clark made about McCain

O’Reilly: ‘Do I Have To Buy You Dinner Before You Use The Birth Control?’
Yesterday, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly
agreed with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and argued that it was fair for insurance companies to cover Viagra but not birth control because “birth control is not a medical condition”:
OK, listen up. Viagra is used to help a medical condition. That’s why it’s covered. Birth control is not a medical condition. It is a choice. Why should I or anybody else have to pay for other people’s choices? Do I have to buy you dinner before you use the birth control?

Is McCain implying Obama is an “extremist” and a “socialist”?
The Kansas City Star’s Dave Helling
interviewed John McCain after a town hall meeting Thursday in Kansas City and had this little exchange about one of the Republican nominee’s stump speech attacks.

Helling: You talked about a little bit about Senator Obama today. You said he was the most extreme member of the Senate.
McCain: Yea, that’s his voting record.
Helling: Extreme? You really think he’s an extremist? I mean he’s clearly liberal..
McCain: Well, that’s his voting record. All I said was his voting record. And it’s more to the left that the announced socialist in the United States Senate, Bernie Sanders of Vermont
Helling: You really he’s a socialist, Barack Obama?
McCain: Oh, I don’t know. All I know is his voting record.

McCain Says Al-Qaeda Prepares Strikes Before Iraq Election Republican presidential candidate John McCain warned that al-Qaeda will step up terrorist attacks in Iraq leading up to October provincial elections there. "Al-Qaeda is on their heels but not defeated,'' McCain said today at a town hall meeting in Warren, Michigan. "I also predict that they will make an attempt, as we get into election season, to make more of these spectacular kinds of attacks'' by suicide bombers to destabilize the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.


Anonymous said...

they are so twisted. like pregnancy isn't a medical condition, hehehe. suppose a no "down boy" boner isn't either.

Anonymous said...

But becoming pregnant becomes a very expensive medical condition.Insurance companies who run the numbers could see they could cover thousands of women for birth control, compared to the cost of one Pregancy, OB visits, delivery, postpartum visits, now a new insured one, with plenty of immunizations, and pediactric visits just in the first year alone.

What chauvanists they both are. McCain would take this country back to the time when men ran off on their women with small children because, they were in extensive rehab from an accident. Would he have left Cindy with small children as well if she also had to get rehabilitation from something major. That speeks volumes on McCains real charactor more than anything else. And here's a guy we expect to have sympathy on the American people, the one's who need it the most when he could not stand by his wife and young children, he just bailed for greener pastures.