Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ashcroft: I was not pushed out, my departure was ‘voluntary.’

And of course, Ashcroft's statement was from Iglesias' recent statement of his opinion that Ashcroft was pushed out. But, Ashcroft's tap dancing of his statement is clear sign that he is covering up.


Earlier this week, the Dallas Morning News released an interview with former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, who stated that former Attorney General John Ashcroft was “
pushed out” of the Bush Administration because he “refused to sign off on the warrantless wiretaps.” Iglesias said that “had Ashcroft done the wrong thing, the unconstitutional thing, and signed off on it, he’d probably still be the AG.”

During a hearing today before the House Judiciary Committee, Ashcroft denied Iglesias’ account, telling Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA), “My departure was a decision of my own. It was a decision I made. It was voluntary.”


Ashcroft Defends Waterboarding. Click here to read the story.

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

Sure Ascroft, it was voluntary-just like the rest of his cowardice behavior.