Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Andrea Mitchell insinuates that Obama gave fake interviews in the Middle East

The integrity of Andrea Mitchell's reporting is certainly diminishing.

Crooks and Liars:

On Hardball, Matthews talked about Obama’s excellent interaction with the military in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Politico’s Roger Simon, a Villager extraordinaire said that the middle east trip is going swimmingly so far. Andrea Mitchell did confirm that Maliki indeed backed Obama on his Iraq plans because he brought up Obama’s name by himself in his interview over the weekend earlier in the interview, but then she said a very odd thing about his “message management” as some footage of Obama played in the background on MSNBC.

Andrea: Let me say something about his message management. He didn’t have reporters with him. He didn’t have a press pool. He didn’t do a press conference while he was on the ground either on Afghanistan or Iraq. What you’re seeing is not reporters brought in, you’re seeing selected pictures taken by the military, questioned by the military and what some would call fake interviews because they’re not interviews with a journalist so there’s a real press issue here. Politically it’s smart as can be, but we’ve not seen a Presidential candidate do this in my recollection ever before.

I don’t think journalism is the prime thing that we recruit them and pay them for.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Where the hell has Mitchell been the whole damn war? That has been going on for years. After Geraldo's sand report, the military has to keep the stupid journalists from doing more stupid things.

It is time for Mitchell to retire.

PrissyPatriot said...

Go home Andrea! Stop pretending to tell the whole truth and nothing but...where has she been indeed KBT1

airJackie said...

Andrea lost the top job to Richard Engel and now it's personal. Andrea has forgotten her part in the Plame leak case as she played a major roll in getting the fake informtion out for the illegal Iraq invasion. She was so scared she refused to testify in Libby's case. Word is Obama's campaign has the list of the loyal Bush Journalist and yes my little kitty Andrea, David and Chris are on the list.

Many viewers have writen NBC and Andrea might get her pink slip and have to stay home and cook for Alan Greenspan. Many will find the door lock when Obama gets in office.

Anonymous said...

It is increasingly clear that Obama supporters have lost their intellectual curiosity. Rather than DISCUSS the comments Mitchell made, you verbally attack her credibility. Unfortunately, this is not unusual. Obama supporters have absolutely LOST their ability to debate rationally.

airJackie said...

Anom Andrea spoke to soon about the fake Journalist as today she was one of them as she asked her question to Senator Obama. Andrea is a Bush insider and is use to special treatment. As Andrea was part of the fake Iraq story and she was scared to testify. Look NBC is wise to Andrea's actions and she knows she will never be an insider if Obama is President. Chris, Andrea and David have had 7 years of being insiders to the Bush Administration and spin their propaganda.

As for me I'm a Hillary supporter not Obama. Just giving the facts. Don't worry Andrea was part of the Journalist pool she just spoke to soon because she didn't know the Obama plan for reporters. But your comment is interesting as your right things have changed and even Chris Matthews is doing his best to suck up now to Obama just in case it works. Jan.20th Journalist can get back to doing their job and not have to be bias just give the facts. In other words Satan has left the USA cheers.

SP Biloxi said...

Greeting everyone!

I have gotten alot of hits from this posting as well as the posting on the OJJDP scandal posted today.

The purpose of me posting this article on reporter Andrea Mitchell's take on Obama interviews was not an attack on Ms. Mitchell.

I have watched Andrea Mitchell's reporting throughout the years and she has completely changed up to this point. If you look like her tough questions about Obama vs. McCain, it become questionable. If she going to insinuate that Obama give fake interviews, then what about McCain who refuses to allow the reporters to his trips to Iraq or other events. Fair is fair.

To the Anon:

This is not about an Obama lovefest on this website. This is about being fair and being tough on all candidate issues. But, the media is tending to sway on their opinions rather than just reporting and letting the viewers decide. So, unlike Jackie who is a Hillary supporter, I look for statemanship in this country. We never had that. Obama and other nominees that running for President are not perfect. We haven't had a President in 7 1/2 years to be servant to the American people. So,
i look for leadership and not just simply a title of President. Obama is going to need all political parties to pitch in to get this country back into shape [should Obama becomes the the next POTUS].

So, I think this country needs to get back to basis and stop treating the Obama-Hillary saga like a popularity contest. Someone had to win and someone had to lose. This country is in a complete mess, people are hurting financially, lives have been destroyed, many of our troops are dying or wounded, and the values of this country are slipping away. We had our founding fathers that created the U.S. Constitution and gave us the freedoms in this country that most folks have taken for granted or not realizing that the Administration are taking away those rights.

Reporter Andrea Mitchell and others need a major checkup from the neckup. And Ms. Mitchell needs a reality check in the ways that she is reporting. The late Edward R. Murrows would not approve of this.

Anonymous said...

Andrea Mitchell-Greenspan can no longer put forth even a slight effort to report on the facts if they do not support the McCain campaign, which her husband is a co-chair of. She is a joke. Go home or go to Fox.

Anonymous said...

Biloxi is right, what we need is someone who can report fairly, who can clean this country up..........Right now Obama is the best candidate..........all McCain is capable of is more of the same, he is so out of touch with real issues, real people, and having to answer real questions from real reporters. McCain spends as much time on the bought and paid for by the GOP Faux noose network as he possibly can, where your O'Reilly's and Hannity's play nice with him.

If you look at what the GOP prides itself on it's religion and family,
we all know he left wife number one down and out (horrible injured, physically) with his small children while he went off to play with Cindy.

And Obama belonged to a church of hundred's if not thousands of members, but his preacher went off one day, the clips were edited and had deletions so everything was taken so horribly out of context......well because it was (out of context)
and Obama did not speak or say those things.......I can't believe they (bought & paid for news stations) did not follow his garbage man, dry cleaner etc around to see if they said anything that could be taken out of context.
What we have learned from this administration is you can feed the media anything, so news is not credible anymore, so ok, if people come down on our news people more...we have more reason......and yet things are still being fed to the news folks.....so what!? Yes, we should be more critical of what we are being told.