Friday, July 18, 2008

Absentee Gramps McCain: McCain Attended ZERO Afghanistan Hearings Over Past 2 Years.

Crooks and Liars:
ABC reports that McCain is 0-for-6 when it comes to Afghanistan:
ABC News’ Z. Byron Wolf reports from Capitol Hill: The McCain campaign criticism of Sen. Barack Obama’s hearing record on Capitol Hill led us to put the shoe on the other foot.
It turns out that presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, has attended even fewer Afghanistan-related Senate hearings over the past two years than Obama’s one. Which is a nice way of saying, McCain, R-Ariz., the top Republican on the Senate Armed Service Committee, has attended zero of his committee’s six hearings on Afghanistan over the last two years.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now it's becoming a joke. McCain says Obama has never been to Iraq and offers to go with him. Obama makes plans to go now McCain says it's all a campaign and he shouldn't go. As McCain went to Iraq many times to buy rugs and talk with soldiers while campaigning. McCain went to the UK campaigning for money yet says Obama should do that and shouldn't go.

The three major Media Stations have been invited and I'm sure Obama knows who the Shiites, Sunnies and Kurds are as McCain was clueless.