Sunday, June 22, 2008

Valerie & Joe Wilson: Lawsuit goes on; Congress should investigate.

From Politico:

“Scott McClellan’s book and his congressional testimony shed some light on — as we alleged in our lawsuit — the decision by senior government officials to betray the identity of a covert CIA officer, Valerie Plame Wilson. Many questions, however, such as the role of Karl Rove and Vice President Cheney remain unanswered. Our civil suit, now before the Court of Appeals, is designed to permit us to uncover the truth, to hold to account those who would use their public positions to engage in private political vendettas, and to ensure that future generations of public servants do not engage in such despicable behavior against fellow Americans.

Mr. McClellan’s testimony today underscores why we need to continue to pursue our rights under the American judicial system, and why Congress should also fully investigate the circumstances of the leak, and the subsequent obstruction of justice which is ongoing.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

More people will have information to prove the White House leaked Plame's name to stop Joe Wilson from talking. Now the Judge in the lawsuit has egg on his face and this case is now stronger thanks to little Scotty.