Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blowhard News Report for Wednesday.

It's Baracknophobia day folks!

Rudy comes out of hiding to attack Barack Obama about ... 9/11.

Beck: ‘It Is Approaching Treason’ To Elect A Progressive Congress
On his
television show yesterday, CNN’s Glenn Beck invited conservative strategist Mary Matalin to discuss domestic drilling and energy issues. Matalin claimed — without evidence — that President Bush’s voluntary carbon reducing policies have cut back emissions in the U.S. while mandatory caps on carbon have not.

But Beck one-upped Matalin, lamenting that “we’re going to get a progressive Congress” that will not increase domestic nuclear energy production, something Beck declared “is approaching treason”:

MATALIN: But the data is explicit and it’s clear. By voluntary emissions reductions, our — our emissions are reduced here in the United States under Bush’s plan. And where it was mandatory, they are not reduced. […] We could — we could do nuclear here. France — France has 80 percent of its energy from nuclear…

BECK: We’re not going to! We’re not going to. None of these candidates will do it. We’re going to get a progressive Congress — I swear to you. It is — it is approaching treason with these people in Washington. You know it and I know it, and every single American knows.

Jeff Gannon blogs at the National Press Club’s website.
Poblano at DailyKos notes that disgraced “reporter”
Jeff Gannon is blogging at the National Press Club (NPC). Gannon gained notoriety as the former male escort who, for two years, gained a White House press pass using a pseudonym. There appear to be seven active blogs on the NPC’s site, including Gannon’s. Steve O’Hearn, chairman of the NPC’s new media committee — of which Gannon is also a member — told ThinkProgress that the “current policy” is that any NPC member can have a blog on the organization’s site, although it’s so far mostly members of the committee. Gannon’s most recent post goes after CodePink and its “ties to terrorists and repressive regimes around the world.”

Hume Twists Quote From Obama’s Half-Brother, Claims He ‘Is Not So Sure’ Obama Is A Christian
Last week, Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) presidential campaign launched a new website — dubbed “
Fight The Smears” — dedicated to debunking false rumors about the candidate, his wife, and his family. A spokesman said, “The Obama campaign isn’t going to let dishonest smears spread across the Internet unanswered.”

But it seems the Obama campaign is going to have to expand this particular operation beyond the Internet and include Fox News. Last night on Special Report, Brit Hume noted the fact that Obama “is a practicing Christian,” but citing a recent article in the Jerusalem Post, Hume then claimed that Obama’s half-brother “is not so sure”:

HUME: Barack Obama is a practicing Christian, married in a Christian church whose children were also baptized in that church. His campaign has emphasized his faith in part to dispel what the campaign calls an on-line smear campaign which contends among other things that Obama was raised a Muslim. There is even a statement on his official campaign Web site reading, “Obama has never been a Muslim and is a committed Christian.”

But Obama’s half brother is not so sure. Malik Obama tells The Jerusalem Post that, “if elected his brother will be a good president for the Jewish people, despite his Muslim background.”

GOP convention button asks, ‘If Obama is president…will we still call it the White House?’
A booth at this weekend’s
Texas Republican convention sold buttons asking, “If Obama Is President…Will We Still Call It The White House?”:

Jean Schmidt Refuses To Retract False Claim That China Is ‘Drilling Off The Coast Of Florida’
On June 5,
Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) took to the House floor and criticized Congress for refusing to lift the ban on offshore oil drilling. To strengthen her point, she claimed that even China and Cuba are drilling off Florida’s coast:
This very day, there is indeed the drilling activity off of our country’s coast. Not by our U.S. companies; that would be illegal. Instead, the Chinese are drilling off the coast of Florida, with their new energy partner, Cuba. This Congress has failed to act time and time again. Our oil resources along our coastlines and in Alaska remain untapped in the name of environmentalism.

Rush Limbaugh Attacks Black Katrina victims and praises Whites as the Floods hit.

Limbaugh: I want to know. I look at Iowa, I look at Illinois—I want to see the murders. I want to see the looting. I want to see all the stuff that happened in New Orleans. I see devastation in Iowa and Illinois that dwarfs what happened in New Orleans. I see people working together. I see people trying to save their property…I don’t see a bunch of people running around waving guns at helicopters, I don’t see a bunch of people running shooting cops. I don’t see a bunch of people raping people on the street. I don’t see a bunch of people doing everything they can…whining and moaning—where’s FEMA, where’s BUSH. I see the heartland of America. When I look at Iowa and when I look at Illinois, I see the backbone of America.


PrissyPatriot said...

Wow, there isn't a crazier bunch than
those listed here today...I hope Paul Hackett gives MeanJean a run for her money. I hear he may give it another go. If so, kiss it goodbye MeanJean-the GOP will lose that seat forever! HA

airJackie said...

Well this was expected as it's all they have. Now as for the comment about the White House. History shows it was slaves who built the White House so it's fitting that a black person would do well. Now as time goes on I expect to hear more racism, I even noticed the GOP continues to attack Hillary. A long time ago we use to say " sticks and stones may brake my bones, but names will never harm me".