Sunday, June 22, 2008

Blowhard News Report for early Sunday edition.

The bigot and racist hounds are on the loose!

Cal Thomas says America only sees ‘Angry black women’ on TV
On FOX News Watch last week, James Pinkerton was his usual smarmy self, but Cal Thomas engaged in some of the most racist diatribes I’ve seen so far on television. Cal’s theory is that the only black women we see on TV are angry one’s because their kids got shot in a drive-by. Except of course Oprah Winfrey. How could he forget? She’s the only black women he probably knows. What a horrible thing to say. Is he insane? People like Cal will stoop as slow as they can go to smear Michelle and after Jane Hall identifies the attacks that are coming against Michelle Obama—she actually has to tell these two ‘conservative punkits‘ that she wasn’t endorsing the behavior.

Hall: If they can’t prove he’s a Muslim, then let’s prove his wife is an angry black woman. I think it’s going to get ugly.

Thomas: And who are the black women you see on the local news at night in cities all over the country. They’re usually angry about something. They’ve had a son who has been shot in a drive-by shooting. They are angry at Bush. So you don’t really have a profile of non-angry black women.

HALL: I wasn’t endorsing that concept that some people are going to go after her.

Charlie Gibson: Isn’t it unfair that John McCain can’t raise as much as Obama?
McCain’s Media begins its march against Obama. I’ve been saying they will support McCain in the general all along. Listen to the tone of Gibson’s voice as he makes a strong statement against Obama’s money advantage over the uninspiring John McCain. Something that never seemed to bother the Villagers before. Heck, Bush 41 and the Saudis look really cool as friends… He feels oh so awful about the fact that McCain is getting trounced in the fundraising department by Obama. The poor little guy who makes sure the media has plenty of doughnuts on his campaign bus. I’m sure that if McCain had the online support that Obama has—the story would be something like. “Will John McCain’s excellent fundraising advantage lead him straight to the oval office?”

They would be amazed at his fundraising prowess. John McCain: The Internet Maverick!

“Let me ask you a question about basic fairness: People in this country like to believe that people play on a level playing field and that a campaign will be about ideas and personality; if you start with that much more money, is it basically fair?”

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