Sunday, May 04, 2008

Who is going to be my prison mate? Open Thread for Sunday.


KittyBowTie1 said...

OK, an update on the USS Cole bombing.

Here's the deal--Yemen just finished getting over a civil war not that long before the bombing. When I first heard of the bombing my reaction was why the hell was one of our ships *there*? Then I realized--it was to save some $$ on port costs. It was cheaper to port in Yemen because that country needed some money, they charged less, and people brought their ships there to re-fuel and re-supply. Nevermind that yes, the place has fewer laws. For once, the military tried saving some money and doing so got our young people killed.

Of course Yemen doesn't want to send their bad guy here. How about a compromise? Send his sorry butt to The Hague.

airJackie said...

Well when you go to a dangerous place just to save money knowing the conflicts of the people and area what can you expect. We have taken the attitude that we rule the world and no one can touch the US. We can do anything we want to any country and justify it as we rule. Now that the US is seen a liars and with a weak Military and recession what can any expect others to do. We have shown the World we can be just like the terrorist we call enemy. I remember the Cole bombing but I remember the 1 million Japanese woman/children we used the Atom bomb on too. We lose hundreds of Americans in conflict, we kill millions in retaliation, whose is worse?