Monday, May 05, 2008

Suicide notes confirmed; Palfrey vowed death before prison.

(Pic above is Jeane's note to her mother, Blanche) Now the media can stop on their witchhunt that Jeane was murdered. I never believed in any sense that Jeane was murdered. This is closure to the fact that she committed suicide but not the end to the matter to why she was targeted by the government on a trumped up case. Her notes to her mother and his sister, Bobbie, were dated April 25, 2008. P.S. That is Jeane's handwriting and signature for sure. And this was very differcult for me to post especially her note. But, this will help you to understand what she was going through. As she said, this was a modern-day lynching in her case.

MIAMI (AFP) — "DC Madam" Deborah Jeane Palfrey lamented the "modern-day lynching" she suffered when convicted of running a high-end prostitution ring, and said she would rather die than go to jail, according to suicide notes released Monday by police.
"I want you to know how very much I love and appreciate you," Palfrey began her anguished and apologetic farewell to her mother, who found Palfrey's body May 1 hanging by a nylon rope in a shed of the elderly woman's mobile home in Tarpon Springs, Florida.
Palfrey, 52, was convicted last month on federal racketeering charges for running a prostitution ring for the rich, famous and powerful, including members of Congress and other Washington power-brokers.
She was awaiting sentencing in July, and faced a reported maximum of 55 years in prison although she was expected to receive a substantially lighter sentence.
"I can't sufficiently express to you how badly I feel for this burden I am leaving you with here," she said in the handwritten note.
"However, I cannot live the next six to eight years behind bars for what both you and I have come to regard as this 'modern-day lynching' only to come out of prison in my late 50s a broken, penniless and very much alone woman."
In a separate note to her sister "Bobbie," she wrote: "You must comprehend there was no way out, i.e. 'exit strategy' for me, other than the one I have chosen here."
A third hand-written note said merely "Do Not Revive. Do Not Feed Under Any Circumstance."
All three notes were dated April 25, six days before her death, which the Pinellas County Medical Examiners and Tarpon Springs police ruled a suicide.
A final post-autopsy report is due next week, and toxicology reports are pending, police captain Jeffrey Young said in a statement.
Young said the mother and sister confirmed the notes were written by Palfrey.
Click below to view the notes:


Anonymous said...

6 days before she did it...hmm.

Well she was certainly an uncommon woman, but I still find it hard to believe the route she took to end her life...

ABC is shameless the way they covered for the johns involved-it would have been to their surprise that she didn't keep detailed notes on clients just so they wouldn't go after her...but maybe she should have.

What was the box of evidence the condo mgr claimed she was taking from her FL condo?

airJackie said...

I watched 60 minutes and heard men who were innocent and put in jail for 27 years. One man said he didn't know what it was like to be free. Jean was facing 55 years in jail at her age of 52. She would be out of jail at the age of 107 unless the case was found to be fixed as it was. The Prosecutor said 5 to 7 years when he knew this was a Rico Act conviction that didn't allow for anything but the 55 years. The Rico Act was set up for the Mafia and was set for sentences that couldn't be reduced. Now some people might have been strong enough to sit it out in jail and wait for Justice. As for my self at my age I would have taken Jeans way out. Most innocent people look for the Courts or the Justice System to get to the truth. This time it was the Court and the Justice System that was corrupt. I think this story isn't over yet. Jean was a smart woman and there were three names that the Prosecutor/Judge had to protect. I look forward to the one name that will blow the GOP off the map. Timing is everything and I just wouldn't count Jean out of the winners circle just yet. Yes she had to protect her Mom but he had a smoken gun that will be a shocker. Now I was shocked to learn the Grand Jury was tainted and the Judge allowed it. How a case of Rico/Racketeering is found with only possible Prostitution by ladies who broke a contract is new to me. Out of over 300 employees the Prosecutor had 12 girls who broke the contract what happen to the other 288 ladies that didn't break the contract. It was sad to read so many comments from people that looked at Jean as a Madam while not realizing there are over 81 legal business's like her's still operating in Washington DC. Yes Jean's business was a legal business as there was no sex. But people just like to think dirty so they didn't bother to read. I wrote the Judge of her case and he most likely tossed the letter in the trash. I believe the truth will come out and Jean's name will be cleared but the only people who will care are her family and friends as far as the rest of the public they could case less. Their waiting for the next innocent person to be convicted or if Paris goes to jail again. We live in a sad period of time when we have loss sight of caring even as we watch our troops get electrocuted in a shower, US bombing hospitals and so much more. Jean is now with God and at peace. God will take care of those who pushed her to take her life.