Thursday, May 01, 2008

A Special Encore from Blowhard News Network.

A black man participated in a Presidential debate as a candidate [in a time when blacks couldn't vote and had no rights] during slavery? LOL… For those who get a huge vein in the forehead from either hearing or vegging over the Fox News Clown network at nights in your deadboy chair sofa, remember the nimrod talking heads that are filling your heads with garbage history:

Sean Hannity: A man who worked in construction and was a bartender.

Brit Hume: A man who got his job at Fox News through his wife.

Bill O'Reilly: A man who is still paying off his debts from his sexual harrassment lawsuit.

Juan Williams: A man born from Panama and not a U.S. citizen.

And all of these nimrod talking heads including Vampire Billy Kristol didn't serve a lick in the military.


Anonymous said...

OReilly didn't make enough off his books to pay off the sexual harrasment stuff? How many of these suits are out there?

Hannity a bartender, still acts like one of the patrons after a few too many.

Faux is the entertainment news network.....too bad the masses have not figured it out yet.

airJackie said...

Makes sense the Fox News would hire dummies no honest Journalist would report that stuff. It is funny as some people I spoke to didn't know. Now if this story is believed this country is ready to be taken over by anyone. I feel bad for all those who gave their lives for this country only to see idiots destroy it. Our Media and Law Makers don't even know about the USA. Now I bet those who had to take the test to be US citizens knew the statement was wrong. Just think Americans would believe a Black Slave debated Lincoln. It's just unbelievable how dumb this country has become.