Monday, May 05, 2008

Sanchez: Rudy's BFF Was Focused on Busting Baghdad Whorehouses

More score settling. Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez opens fire on Bernie Kerik's time training the Iraqi police in Iraq:
"He is a very energetic guy. He is very confident - overconfident to an extent - and he is very superficial in his understanding of the requirements of his job," Sanchez said. "His whole contribution was a waste of time and effort."...
Sanchez said Kerik focused more on "conducting raids and liberating prostitutes" than training the Iraqis.
"They'd get tips and they'd go and actually raid a whorehouse," Sanchez told The News. "Their focus becomes trying to do tactical police operations in the city of Baghdad, when in fact there is a much greater mission that they should be doing, which is training the police."...
Kerik denied arresting any prostitutes in Iraq and said the Army always knew about his operations.


Anonymous said...

Kerik is a good example of grown men that haven't truly dealt with their childhoods, thinking power and their fists will rid them of their demons. It rarely works and causes so much damage to many, including themselves.

airJackie said...

Everyone's telling on each other now that the Corrupt White House is falling apart. No news is AG Musk Rat and his deputy dough boy are stealing as much as possible as they ask for money to fight drugs. It's a joke as most of the drugs now come from Afghanistan fields. Musk Rat will spend 50 cents to fight the drug war and pocket the rest ok he'll give his deputy dough boy some money to.