Saturday, May 03, 2008

Paul: Not ready to endorse Grampa McCain, likes Obama's foreign policy.

(CNN) — Even though Rep. Ron Paul has never officially ended his long shot presidential bid, he’s ready to weigh in on the three remaining major candidates for the White House.

In an interview on The Situation Room, Paul told Wolf Blitzer that endorsing Sen. John McCain, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee, “would really confuse” his supporters “because they know we have a precise program and we have to defend that program.”

Having a Republican win the upcoming presidential election is “secondary” for Paul who is more interested in defending the Constitution, having the country go in what he considers the right direction, having a sound currency, and achieving balanced budgets. Paul parts ways with McCain over McCain’s support for the Iraq war, his approach to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and his willingness to spend federal dollars to support military operations in Iraq.

Instead, Paul favors Sen. Barack Obama because of positions on foreign policy. “But that’s doesn’t mean that’s an endorsement,” Paul quickly added.

Paul recently released a new book titled “The Revolution: a Manifesto.” “Unfortunately, it is revolutionary to talk about obeying the Constitution,” Paul said of the book’s title.


KittyBowTie1 said...

"Paul recently released a new book titled “The Revolution: a Manifesto.” “Unfortunately, it is revolutionary to talk about obeying the Constitution,” Paul said of the book’s title."

OMG. That's hilarious yet sad at the same time!

SP Biloxi said...

"Unfortunately, it is revolutionary to talk about obeying the Constitution,” Paul said of the book’s title."

Yup, real sad that Paul has to put out a book to teach the morons in the WH to obey the constitution. The founding fathers are probably laughing their ass off and want to smack the Gerbil and the others over the head for disobeying the Constitution.

airJackie said...

My Dad took me to the race track and all sports events. One thing he told me and don't say you won until it's over. Yes I listen well. I watched Michael Jordon with 2 seconds on the clock with the Bulls down by 2 points. Yes people were leaving their seats and the game clock was used to take the ball in and end the game. Someone should have told Michael the game was over. He was thrown the ball, turned and shot the ball which made it for 3 points to win the game. Never say never and don't count anyone out before the Fat Lady Sings.

Paul has seen so much and he learned more then other Republicans. Our Founding Fathers gave us a base to build on it's just to bad most people don't even know what the Constitution says. It's like people pick parts of the bible without knowing the hold thing.

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