Friday, May 02, 2008

Open Thread for Friday.


KittyBowTie1 said...

OK, let's see if I can wrap up some loose ends from yesterday.

Durbin made BP back down from dumping waste from its refinery in Indiana into Lake Michigan.

Both Durbin and Obama have yelled at the Todder. Frankly, that kid needs to be taken behind the woodshed.

Durbin and Obama try to get more funding to take care of injured vets and bring in federal money to the state because obviously Baloneybitch is not taking care of things that need to be fixed. Both are trying to get more funding to stop gang violence in Chicago.

Obama has missed a few votes. He showed up to vote for the Fair Pay Act.

Smarmy Drew Peterson is pulling an OJ, offering a reward for whomever took his missing wife who was about to divorce his sorry ass.

New stuff--Rumor has it that the idiots in Springfield who couldn't pass a budget plan to give themselves a 10% pay increase. Baloneybitch's pay increase is rumored to be $20,000.

KittyBowTie1 said...


Even the schools in Illinois are corrupt. The cat just found out that an architectural firm hired to design two new schools donated $2,000 (making it one of the biggest donors) to help support the referendum campaign. $2,000 may not seem like much but that was for a local election, for just one school district.

airJackie said...

Mr. Kitty your state is to much after hearing from you and TGCN. Now tell me some good news in Chicago.

Now Mr. Kitty what's up with your brother Obama? He said he's against my girlfriend Hill wants the taxes taken by the oil companies to be removed for the summer. But he's all for Illinois stopping State oil tax which will be very little. The big bucks in taxes is with the Oil companies tax. You better talk to your brother fast as the oil prices are still going up. Remember Mr. Kitty the oil price effects everything from food, transportation and anything that travels to get to the store. You and TGCN have to talk to Senator Obama quick he's got to get with the program and stick it to the Oil companies.