Saturday, May 03, 2008

McSame can’t ‘distance himself’ from Bush.

Crooks and Liars:
Reuters reports today that we’re starting to get a sense of what this strategy looks like in practice.
Slowly but surely, Republican presidential candidate John McCain is putting some distance between himself and unpopular President George W. Bush.
This week it was the ill-timed “Mission Accomplished” banner that the White House hung behind Bush five years ago when Bush declared major combat operations over in Iraq.
“I thought it was wrong at the time,” McCain said in Cleveland on Thursday, proceeding to criticize Vice President Dick Cheney’s various comments over the years that the Iraqi insurgency was in its “last throes” with “a few dead-enders” all that was left.
Last week, McCain surprised some in the White House by declaring Bush’s leadership “disgraceful” during the crisis over the 2005 Katrina hurricane that walloped New Orleans. “Never again,” McCain declared.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Here is another example that McSame is an idiot:

McSame against farm subsidies

Sure, Iowa farmers are very productive but how are they going to afford the fuel for their equipment this summer? Without farm subsidies, there won't be any farmland left. It will be sold off, the farmers will retire, and all we will have are strip malls and mega expensive food at the grocery store.

Subsidies allow farmers to leave some fields unused for a year or to so the soil can recover.

Subsidies help farmers plant unpopular crops which bring in a lower profit, such as wheat. Think about how many products have wheat in them. Without help, those farmers will switch to soybeans and corn, which bring in a better return, but will stick us with even higher prices at the grocery store.

Now the huge commercial farms probably do not need subsidies. But the family farmers make around $40,000 or so per year. That does not sound bad but independent farmers do not have an employer to help them out with health insurance.

We have enough freebies that go to businesses and the oil companies are making profits like thieves. As long as subsidies are done for the right reasons for the right farmers, the cat has no problem with them.

airJackie said...

Yes Mr. Kitty McSame will do himself in no matter how much they try to hold him up. I suggest he get a spoke person because every time he opens his mouth something stupid comes out and the Media has to correct it.