Monday, May 05, 2008


Dick Cheney and George W Bush will be impeached in San Francisco on May 17th at the beautiful 500 seat International Studies Academy theater. It will be a world premiere of an inspirational work that will have you on your feet clapping and cheering : Allen L Roland
The buzz all over San Francisco is about the new impeachment play, "I", The Impeachment Trial of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney ~ which Shirley Golub is producing in San Francisco as a full two act theater production.

This inspirational new work, written by premiere impeachment scholar Bruce Fein and gifted dramatists and political activists, and directed by veteran thespian Ray Whelan, WILL premiere May 17 at 8:00 PM at the 500 seat International Studies Academy theater at 655 DeHaro St. in San Francisco. Every seat WILL be filled.

Ray Whelan has assembled a talented cast which includes myself as Donald Rumsfeld.

Please reserve your opening night tickets now, because every progressive at heart within 50 miles will want to be there, and every seat WILL be filled. It's being called the theatrical event of the year because you the audience will be the Senate that decides the fate of these two unindicted war criminals.

Since Congress does not have the courage or stomach to enforce our constitutional right to impeachment ~ we the people will do it here in San Francisco, where everything truly important usual starts, and you can be part of this historic event.

And so that as many people as possible can experience this inspiring new work of real political theater, you can have a ticket with every donation of just $10 or more to Shirley Golub, who is seriously challenging Nancy Pelosi for the Democratic party primary nomination on June 3.

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