Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bush Authorized the CIA Leak?

Crooks and Liars:

Emptywheel makes the case that Scotty McClellan admitted as much this morning on the Today Show:

During the interview, Scottie revealed the two things that really pissed him off with the Bush Administration. First, being set up to lie by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby. And second, learning that Bush had–himself–authorized the selective leaking of the NIE. […]

Thus far … we only had Dick Cheney’s word that he had actually asked Bush to declassify this information. We didn’t have Bush’s confirmation that he had actually declassified the information. In fact, we’ve had Dick Cheney’s
claims that he–Dick–had insta-declassified via his super secret pixie dust declassification powers.

But now we’ve got George Bush, confirming that he, the President of the United States, authorized the leaks of “this information.”

Now, though Scottie refers, obliquely, to “this information,” he explicitly refers only to the NIE. But as I’ve described
over and over again, it’s not just the NIE Bush authorized Dick to order Libby to leak. …(more)

This is certainly old news that Bush authorized the CIA Leak. I wrote about this in 2006:


Written by Biloxi
Freitag, 07 Juli 2006

We now know what exactly Bush told Special Prosecutor Pat Fitzgerald in a 70 minute interview on June 24, 2004. Murray Waas of the National Journal published an article on July 3, 2006 about the leak case. According to Waas’ article, President Bush told Fitzgerald that he directed Vice-President Cheney “to disclose highly classified intelligence information to discredit Wilson and defend his administration.”

What is interesting is that Jason Leopold from reported similar yet different information in his April 6, 2006 article. Once again, the media and other journalists are asleep at the wheel in information. This is an interesting spin from Jason's article. In his article, four attorneys had read a transcript of Bush's interview with the investigators.

After the attorneys read the transcript, they said that Bush didn't disclose to either investigators or to Pat Fitzgerald that he had authorized Cheney or any other official to leak classified documents to any reporters. Yet, they said that Bush "frowned upon ‘selective leaks'".

And both Waas and Leopold reported that Bush told investigators that he had no knowledge of anyone on his staff had been involved in a plot to discredit or retaliate against Wilson by leaking Wilson's wife undercover identity to reporters. But, this caught my eye in the National Journal that had me questioned the article.


airJackie said...

Now the News reporters all have egg on their faces as Jason said this a long time ago. Fitz was smart not to charge Libby with all his crimes. Now all those who didn't believe Karl Rove was indicted will finally see the Seal vs Seal case opened. What's so sad is Fitz told Rove to get his affairs in order right? I talk to a kid today about Harry Potter and he said the teacher at Hogwarts was told to get his affairs in order as he was living the next day. Strange isn't it how kids are smarter then adults. No wonder Bush/Cheney can do what they have done to this country in 7 years, with adults not knowing anything it makes since.
Now I'm glad Valerie and her family can finally get Justice. That cloud Fitz spoke about is still hanging over Cheney's head. Who would have thought scared little Scotty busted the big boys because they made him look like a fool on TV and fired him.

PrissyPatriot said...

Yes Jackie, I know a little boy at age 5 who was listening to George Bush on the radio and began to laugh. I asked him why he thought the president was funny, he said "when he says uh,uh,uh -THAT's how you can tell he's lying!" OMG LOL

From the mouths of babes...and yea, who would have thunk it? haha Snotty Scotty fronted out his buds. He'd best run to the special prosecutor closest to him and beg for mercy. He should have squealed as soon as Bush confirmed he was the leaker...

Anonymous said...

old news, it just grinds the salt in deeper and to think americans have become so numb as to be minimally outraged.