Friday, April 11, 2008

The Torture Memo.

Click to enlarge: February 7, 2002 memo
From Emptywheel at FDL:
February 7, 2002 memo in which Bush declares that Al Qaeda will not be entitled to Geneva Convention protections. The memo seems to indicate that it is addressed to all the people who have participated--at least thus far--in discussions on torture; it refers to "our recent extensive discussions regarding the status of Al Qaeda and Taliban detainees." Now check out the list of addressees:
Dick Cheney
Colin Powell
John Ashcroft
Andy Card
George Tenet
Condi Rice
Richard Myers


airJackie said...

This shows Powell not only lied to the United Nations but also to the American people. Look we know the rest of the group were out right liars. But Powell came on TV after being fired by Bush and said he didn't know about torture. Powell is an out right liar and continued to lie. Now he's part of Obama's team and acts like the pass never happen.

Anonymous said...

So all the ugly was true about these guys-yet I sense as bad as this is there's much more...