Sunday, April 06, 2008

SPB News for Sunday.

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Texas officials investigating a potential child abuse case said on Saturday 183 girls and women had been removed from a ranch that is home to a breakaway Mormon sect linked to jailed polygamist leader Warren Jeffs.

Evidence Grows of US Drug Use on Terror Detainees 'The executive branch memos laid a comprehensive and reiterated policy foundation for the use of interrogational drugs.' --'03 Yoo memo advised top Bush officials that interrogators could employ mind-altering drugs on terror suspects There can be little doubt now that the government has used drugs on terrorist suspects that are designed to weaken their resistance to interrogation. All that’s missing is the syringes and videotapes. Another window opened on the practice last week with the declassification of John Yoo’s... 2003 memo [part one, part two] approving harsh interrogation techniques on terrorism suspects. Yoo advised top Bush administration officials that interrogators could employ mind-altering drugs if they did not produce "an extreme effect" calculated to "cause a profound disruption of the senses or personality."

British fear US commander is beating the drum for Iran strikes British officials gave warning yesterday that America's commander in Iraq will declare that Iran is waging war against the US-backed Baghdad government. A strong statement from General David Petraeus [Betrayus] about Iran's intervention in Iraq could set the stage for a US attack on Iranian military facilities, according to a Whitehall assessment.

U.S. Charges Contractor at Iraq Post in Stabbing The American military has charged a contractor [Alaa Mohammad Ali] with assault in a case that may emerge as a major test of the military’s legal jurisdiction over civilians who accompany the armed forces into the field, military officials and legal experts said Friday. It is the first time since 1968 that a contractor has been charged under military law.

U.S. Military Investigates 3 Civilian Deaths The U.S. military has launched an 'investigation' into the shooting deaths of three Iraqi civilians, including a 2-year-old girl, after numerous witnesses reported that they were killed by gunfire from American soldiers.

Questions in Portugal About CIA Flights to Guantánamo Portuguese Prime Minister José Sócrates and his predecessor José Manuel Barroso should answer "clearly and transparently" questions about secret CIA flights transporting prisoners to Guantánamo, says British lawyer and activist Clive Stafford Smith. Speaking to the press in Lisbon on Thursday, Stafford Smith, the head of the British human rights group Reprieve, said the Portuguese government may be sued if it fails to cooperate voluntarily in the search for the truth.

Army Worried by Rising Stress of Return Tours to Iraq Army leaders are expressing increased alarm about the mental health of soldiers who would be sent back to the front again and again under plans that call for troop numbers to be sustained at high levels in Iraq for this year and beyond.

McCain Called a 'Warmonger' at Obama Appearance On the air, Ed Schultz, a liberal talk show host based in Fargo, N.D., is well-known for his blunt criticisms of the Bush Administration and the Republican Party. But Mr. Schultz, a fervent supporter of Senator Barack Obama, may have not gone far enough late Friday when he called Senator John McLunatic "a warmonger."


Anonymous said...

Obama is calling a spade a spade, McCain is a warmonger no if and or buts about it.

Petraeus is just helping ramp up the chatter for this administrations campaign to go into Iran, which they so want to do before the end of the term, completely run this country to the ground with another illegal war.

airJackie said...

Yes McCain is a warmonger and liar even about his own POW days. But he calls to stay in Iraq for 100 to 10,000 years. Now Senator Obama says he has given more thought and feels we should stay in Iraq for no more then 10 years much different then he say before. When Obama starting campaigning he said he wanted the troops out of Iraq at once. Hillary said no more then 60 days to allow the Iraq Government to get their people in position. I guess us Military Families can see it will be at least 10 more years of our kids dying for the Iraq Civil War and giving Iraq 12 Billion dollars a month. In a way I can't blame Obama as he wants to win, people were looking for a fresh honest person after dealing with Bush/Cheney for 7 years. Let's see what other changes come as Obama works with the Senior Democrat Law Makers to guide his White House Policy. John Kerry was looking very Presidential this morning on TV as he laid out what we will be doing in the next four years. Nice to see who's really running the show. I just wonder if Kerry has gone over his plan with Obama or is that necessary. Smart move on the Senior Democrats to ask Hillary to step out of the race then things can move forward as planned. Obama could still give those super speeches as Kerry, Kennedy, Powell, Rice and Leahy lay out the 4 year policy for the President to follow. Hillary like most woman would not let someone else do her job but then again she's only a woman and of course they don't know how to lead that's a man's job. At least that's how it's done in the USA, other countries think differently as he even have female Presidents if they have the qualifications.