Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rove’s attorney: Rove would testify if subpoenaed in Siegelman case.


Last night on 60 Minutes, former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman said the congressional Judiciary committees should call on Karl Rove to testify about his case. Tonight, Rove’s attorney Robert Luskin said Rove will testify if subpoenaed by Congress. MSNBC’s Dan Abrams reported:
ABRAMS: We asked this question to his attorney: Will Karl Rove agree to testify if Congress issues a subpoena to him as part of an investigation into the Siegelman case? The answer we got — “Sure.”
I had to laugh at Luskin's response to Abrams because this is the same snake attorney who won't turn over the fax document that he claimed to have that said that Fitzgerald decided not to charge Rove in the Plamegate, who has his fingerprints all over the missing WH emails of his client in connection to Plamegate, whose client refused to testify to the House committee on the USA firing scandal, and whose client was voted by the House committee to be subpoenaed to appear on the USA firings. And now Luskin said "Sure. his client would testify if he is subpoenaed by the HJC?" What the bonehead attorney doesn't realize that Abrams, himself, is an attorney. And Luskin, himself, has just cornered his client into testifying from his response to Abrams. Abrams was clever by having Luskin respond. If Rove doesn't testify, Rove will appear to be guilty, thanks to Luskin's response to Abrams on the show, The Verdict. And I am sure that the House Committee has watched The Verdict.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Odds are Karl Rove will be a no show. Look his attorney said he would testify, Karl will refuse his lawyers advice because he knows it will be all over. Rove doesn't know if Siegleman as evidence that would prove his involvement. Remember alot of Republicans are criminals so Karl would be taken a big chance if he spoke under oath. The jail bars will be waiting.