Sunday, April 13, 2008

Protesters say they're offended by Dick's visit.

Vice President Dick Cheney was in the Grand Valley on Friday for a private fundraising event. The fundraiser was held for U.S. Senate candidate Bob Schaffer.
However, not everyone is celebrating the Vice President's visit. A local group, A Voice of Reason, set up protest rally at the intersection of G and 26 Roads on Friday, near the location of Cheney's fundraising event.
Voice of Reason members say the rally will be peaceful. They want to use the opportunity to express their opinions about Cheney's policies and the war in Iraq..
"It's not that often that one of the leaders of the free world come to our little town and we want to go there and show him we dissent. This is often what he considers home country and we want to show him that even here in Grand Junction, people are sick of this war," Jacob Richards with
A Voice of Reason explained Thursday.
"Dissent is part of American politics. It always should be and always will be. So, getting our voice there is important and is part of the political sphere," Voice of Reason member Mallory Rice stated.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

As Dick would say SO! Look for 7 years Dick has given his butt to the American people to kiss. He knows not one Law Maker or American will do anything but just talk and protest. He gets every bill he wants passed and every amount of money he wants with no problem. America is to weak to bring down Cheney but the Middle East will bring him to his knees and take every dime he stole.