Sunday, April 06, 2008

New Documentary: Where in the world is OBL?

Crooks and Liars:

Nicole showed some of this some weeks ago as it was going through the film festival circuit, but it’s opening wide this weekend. Morgan Spurlock, the genius who brought you “Super Size Me,” now brings us “Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?”, a side-splitting quest to hunt down the world’s number one most-wanted man.


Anonymous said...

Yes, someone else is now making an Osama movie, other than Osama himself. Will it be in the same section of the store as the originals? I wonder if now we won't see another original Osama movie coming out after this mockery one? Something has to put an end to this nonsense?

Biloxi isn't it about time some higher up in Al Qaeda, Taliban etc be captured killed?

airJackie said...

Don't worry the White House don't think about Osama at all and hasn't since they successfully put the American people in fear. Osama is living well and better protected then the American people. The Taliban were invited to tour the US by George W. Bush. Yes he gave them the grand tour and was a great host to his friends. Oh now we're fighting them in Afghanistan as the poppies growth get's bigger every year. Americans were told to hate Bill Clinton for not getting Osama yet Americans didn't bother to read that Bill had to ask Congress and the Senator per the US Constitution orders. Yes Clinton made the request but the Republican controlled Congress/Senate turned him down. Now as the Saudis/US planned the attack on the WTC yet said it was Osama. Bush/Cheney with agreement with the Bin Laden Family allowed Osama many months to get out before the attack.
It's like calling the man who's robbing your home that he has 6 months to get out before you call the cops.