Thursday, April 10, 2008

More visitors on the Justice League blog.

And these folks were on the blog searching on info on the Palfrey trial. Happy searching folks!


airJackie said...

At lease these folks are getting correct information. I wonder what the Judge thought of the 63 year lady lying to the Court. It's old school that a person get money on the side. I now know why these ladies lied and in a way I can't blame them once the US Attorneys said what they would do and lose. Now this is a clear example of how the Government lawyers will mess with your mine and life. They have no case but harassed these ladies to lie in hopes to win. Even the Judge knows these ladies are lying. But it is interesting to see that a woman over 50 is a prostitute. I bet the Judge thought these ladies were in the 30's as if they were college students when they worked. Boy did he get a surprise. Who knows now are any female Judges moonlighting?
What's sad is the Government is allowed to file false charges against a person. Everyone knows Jean's case was to cover up the fact that the Government didn't want the press to know who Wilkes was using as Prostitutes. Yes one leak to Smoken Gun did the trick. Wilkes wired millions of dollars in his crimes yet no Rico charge. While Jean has proof she only sent money to the ladies and even filed taxes for 13 years correctly with no problem. Now I wonder since the girls got their W-2 forms from Jean, but they kept the extra money they got for performing sex on the side. Well this isn't the Emperor Club that's for sure. I guess the Judge and the male jurors were looking for an Ashley to bad this wasn't a sex operation only a fantasy.

PrissyPatriot said...

Yes Jackie are they supposed to be immune from tax evasion from what they failed to report too? even if they get away with extra action they did on the $ide of paid fantasy talk. (which really kind of sad) Ms Palfrey must have more pity for men than I, to think up legal fantasy services for their "needs" lol