Thursday, April 10, 2008

McCain: Afghanistan’s Troubles Are Unrelated To ‘Our Diversion To Iraq’

Grampa McCain's biography tour stops at The View.


Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) appeared on ABC’s The View this morning. He discussed his “mistake” of opposing a national holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., and said, “If we are wrong on a position, we then should admit it.” But when Joy Behar asked whether he would admit that the Iraq invasion was a mistake, McCain answered flatly, “No”:
BEHAR: Do you admit now that it was a mistake to go into Iraq?
MCCAIN: No. … The problem was not the fact that we went in, to be honest with you. The problem was the mishandling of it for nearly four years. If we had done the right thing from the beginning –
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: We would have been in Afghanistan.
MCCAIN: But Afghanistan is not in trouble because of our diversion to Iraq.
BARBARA WALERS: Why do people think it is, that we don’t have the troops there that we need?
MCCAIN: I know a lot of people think that and we do need more troops there

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

Yea, sure he knows people who think we need more troops so he can re-do Vietnam. They too are as old as the hills, and believe just as much nonsense. He forgets that he graduated at the bottom of his naval class for a REASON, he's not smart!